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New Mexico Colorado Arizona California Nevada Texas Oklahoma Oregon Washington Idaho Montana Wyoming North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Minnesota Iowa Missouri Arkansas Louisiana Wisconsin All USA Michigan Indiana Ohio Kentucky Tennessee Mississippi Alabama Alaska West Virginia Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Hawaii Puerto Rico Pennsylvania New York Maine Vermont Virgin Islands New Hampshire Massachusetts Connecticut Rhode Island New Jersey Delaware Maryland Washington DC Northern Marianas American Somoa Guam New York All U.S.A.

State CCW Pages

This US Map is hot-linked to the individual state pages, for each of the states in the United States and its possessions.

Simply click on the state abbreviation on the map to view that state's information page in a new browser window. To view the All U.S. Page, click on U.S.A. at the bottom of the map to the left.

Where we have made every possible effort to insure these maps and information are accurate as of the last update found in the top left corner of the index page found here, it is your responsibility to verify the data offered. By using any of these links or information provided here, you agree to hold harmless and without liability, PC Solutions, Inc., Steve Aikens, Gary Slider, or any provider of such information.

You are responsible for validating your own information.



Update History

Below you will find a listing of updates to the state and federal laws posted here, with the dates of those updates. If we post a notice here that something has been updated in your state, or a state you may be traveling to, you should use the links provided on the map above to navigate to that states page and verify that change. If you are aware of a change that has been made and approved by your state that we may have missed, please Contact Us so we can verify that change and add it.

At the opening of the 2007 legislative session, we recognized that there was a need to keep people alerted to pending changes in law that would effect CCW licensees. To fulfill that need, we created a Notices and Legislative Action Page. Generally, its purpose is for potential state or local changes but it is also used as a conduit to other information of interest - most recently, as example - the definition of firearms policy in IHOP Restaurants in New Mexico. Mark noticed that I referenced that page here but there was no link to the page. If you become aware of something changing in your area that you think others need to be made aware of, feel free to notify us by email at

Update Listing/Tracking will be maintained for the past 60 days.

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9/12/2024 - California, Hawaii and USA Pages Updated. Permitless Carry Document Updated. would appreciate the reporting of any broken links on the site to

9/6/2024 - New Mexico No Longer Honors the Permits to Carry From Alaska, Idaho, Tennessee and West Virginia. . . Alaska, Idaho, New Mexico,
Tennessee, Texas, Utah and West Virginia State Pages Updated. Lic. My State Honors, States Honoring My Lic. and Non-Resident Permit Documents Updated. . . . .

On the State Pages All External Links, Statutes and Admin Rules Quoted Have Been Checked and are up to Date and Point to the Most Up to Date Edition
of that Statute/Admin Rule on the following state Pages. Connecticut, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska,
Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, New York City, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania,
Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Washington. West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

9/1/2024 - Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine and Maryland State Pages All External Links, Statutesand Admin Rules Quoted Have Been Checked and are up to Date and Point to the Most Up to Date Edition of that Statute/Admin Rule and/or Documents. . . . Other States Pages will be checked in the very near future. It takes time to check and make sure everythingon a State Page is up to date. Most pages required no changes to Statute Wording as has kept up with those changes overtime.

8/24/2024 - Delaware State Page Updated.

8/12/2024 - Arizona, Maryland and New Your City Pages Updated. Non-Resident Permit Document Updated.

7/30/2024 - Louisiana, Missouri and South Carolina State Pages Updated. Notice Add to most State Pages on State Park Carry Concerning Corps of Engineers No Firearm Policy.

7/12/2024 - California, Connecticut and Washington State Pages Updated.

7/4/2024 - Effective Today Louisiana is Now a Permitless Cary State! . . Nevada No Longer Honors Oklahoma. . . Minnesota No Longer Honors South Carolina. . . Minnesota Has Added Connecticut, Hawaii and Ohio to the list of sates it Honors... West Virginia Now Has Campus Carry.. . Connecticut, Hawaii, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nevada, Oklahoma, South Carolina and West Virginia State pages Updated. . . All State Pages Have Had Louisiana Added to the listing under their State Page Map as a Permitless Carry State..... States Honoring My Lic., Lic. My State Honors, Age to Carry, Must Inform Officer, Permitless Carry States, RV/Car Carry and Quirks In How States Honor Each Other and Non-Resident Permit Documents Updated.

7/1/2024 - Colorado, Idaho, South Dakota and Tennessee States Page Updated.

6/12/2024 - New Mexico Now Honors the South Dakota Enhanced Permit. Illinois, New Mexico and South Dakota State Pages Updated. Lic. My State Honors and States Honoring My License Documents Updated.

6/7/2024 - Oklahoma and Washington State Pages Updated.

6/1/2024 - New Mexico, Vermont and West Virginia State Pages Updated.

5/8/2024 - Maryland State Page Updated.

5/1/2024 - States Honoring My Lic. and Lic. My State Honors Documents Updated.

4/18/2024 - Arkansas and Oklahoma State Pages Updated.

4/10/2024 - Arkansas, Idaho, Kansas, Mississippi, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota and West Virginia State Pages Updated. State Page Updated. License My State Honors and States Honoring my License Documents Updated.

4/1/2024 - Connecticut, Maryland and Virginia State Pages Updated.

3/17/2024 - New Jersey State Page Upated.

3/8/2024 - South Carolina Now Permitless Carry State. South Carolina State Page and USA Page Updated. Age to Carry, Must Inform Officer, Permitless Carry States, RV/Car Carry,
Quirks in How States Honor Each Other, Lic. My State Honorsand States Honoring My Lic. Documents Updated.

3/4/2024 - Alabama State Page Updated - All links to Alabama statutes updated as the Legislature moved their Statutes. Direct links to Statutes are no longer available for Alabama Legislature Statutes you must drill down yourself to find the text of a statute. Some other pages have had minor changes. Mostly removed outdated notices and other little corrections that didn't change the meaning of laws etc. If the page was updated the date will be sometime in the last half of February to March 4. Also things are always slow the last quarter and 1st Quarter of the year. Legislatures’ are in session and there most likely will be many changes coming in the near future.

1/20/2024 - USA Page Updated. Post Office Carry Ruling from FL Federal Court Only Applies to the Defendant in the Case.

1/15/2024 - USA Page Updated With Court Case Stating Post Office Ban Has Been Ruled Unconstitutional by Florida Federal Court. FAQs Updated.

1/7/2024 - California State Page Updated.

1/1/2024 - California and Nebraska State Pages Updated. RV/Car Carry Updated.

11/25/2023 - Nebraska State Page Updated.

11/1/2023 - Alaska and Oklahoma State Pages Updated. Handgun Drills Page 3 Additions.

10/5/2023 -Washington Now Honors the Montana Enhanced Permit. Montana and Washington State Pages Updated. Lic My State Honors and States Honoring my Lic. Documents Updated.

10/1/2023 - Connecticut, Maryland and Montana State Pages Updated.

9/9/2023 - New Mexico and Michigan State Pages Updated. New Mexico by Executive Order and Health Emergency Order can nnow ban the carrying of firearms openly or concealed in some jurisdictions even with a permit. Michigan State University Now Bans Firearms On Campus after court order Upholding their right to do so.

9/2/2023 - Nebraska Now a Permitless Carry State. Nebraska and Texas State Pages Updated. Listing of Permitless Carry States on every state page updated. Age to Carry, Long Guns in Vehicles, Must Inform Officer, Permitless Carry States, Quirks in How States Honor Each Other, RV/Car Carry, Lic. Non-Resident Permits, My State Honors and States Honoring my Lic. Documents Updated.

8/19/2023 Delaware State Page Updated.

8/1/2023 - North Dakota Now Permitless Carry for Residents and Non-Residents... Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, New Jersey and North Dakota State Pages Updated. States Honoring My Lic., Lic. My State Honors, Age to Carry, Long Guns in Vehicles, Must Inform Officer, Permitless Carry States, Quirks in How States Honor Each Other and RV/Car Carry Documents Updated.

7/1/2023 - Florida Now Permitless Carry. . . . Connecticut, Florida, Kansas, Hawaii, Nevada, North Carolina and Texas State Pages Updated. Florida Added to Listing Under Every States Map as a Permitless Carry State. . . States Honoring My Lic., Lic. My State Honors, FAQs, Must Inform Officer, Permitless Carry Quirks in How States honor Each Other and RV/Car Carry Documents Updated.

6/1/2023. - Minnesota Now Honors California and North Carolina. Minnesota No Longer Honors Delaware. . . California, Delaware, Minnesota and North Carolina State Pages Updated. . . . Licenses My State Honors and States Honoring My License Documents Updated..

5/6/2023 - Illinois and Montana State Pages Updated. State Restrictions Document Updated.

5/1/2023 - Illinois and Michigan State Pages Updated. State Restrictions, RV/Car Carry and Permitless Carry Documents Updated.

4/14/2023 - Hawaii State Page Updated

4/4/2023 - Ohio State Page Updated. Permitless Carrry States Document Updated.

3/15/2023 - Illinois, Oklahoma and Wyoming State Pages Udated. . . Tribal Law2 Document Cherokee Nation in Oklahoma Listing Updated.

3/8/2023 - Texas and West Virginia State Pages Updated.

3/2/2023 - New Jersey, South Dakota, West Virginia and U.S. Virgin Islands Pages Updated. Links checked in past week on all State Pages and most Major Documents.

2/14/2023 - Illinois and RV/Car Carry Document Updated. Mag Ban TRO Only Applice to Those Named in the Order.

2/3/2023 - Illinois State Page Updated. . . State Restrictions and RV/Car Carry Documents Updated

2/1/2023 - Texas and USA Pages Updated. . . Permitless Carry and US/RV Carry Documents Updated.

1/31/2023 - New Jersey State Page Updated.

1/30/2023 - Texas State Page Updated. Texas must allow 18 Y/O carry with a permit they issue or honor but some authorities are stating that they are not sure about the Permitless Carry under 21.

1/27/2023 - Tennessee State Page Updated. . . Age to Carry, Permitless Carry and RV/Car Carry Documents Updated.

1/24/2023 - Florida, Puerto Rico and West Virginia Pages Updated.

1/12/2023 - Illinois State Page Updated. . . State Restrictions and RV/Car Carry Documents Updated.

1/10/2023 - New Jersey State Page Updated. . . RV/Car Carry Document Updated.

1/1/2023 - Alabama Now a Permitless Carry State. . . . Alabama and Texas State Pages Updated. . . . Age to Carry, FAQs, Long Guns in Vehicles, Permitless Carry States, Quirks in How States Honor Each Other, RV/Car Carry, Non-Resident Permits, Lic. My State Honors and States Honoring My Lic. Documents Updated. . . Alabama Added to Listing of Permitless Carry States Under Map on All State Pages.

12/23/2022 - New Jersey State Page Updated. . . Quirks in How States Honor Each Other and Must Inform Officer Documents Updated. . . . No Further Updates until January 1, 2023. Merry Christmas to All!

12/13/2022 -- New York and New York City Pages Updated. NY is in a yoyo with one court putting a stay on one part of the new concealed carry law and then another higher court overruling that stay.

12/12/2022 - Hawaii, New York and New York City Pages Updated. Must Inform Officer Document Updated.

12/1/2022 - Hawaii and Maryland State Pages Updated. State Restrictions and Handgun Drills Documents Updated.

11/25/2022 - Hawaii,  New York   and   New York City  Pages Updated.

11/16/2022 - Maryland. New Jersey, New York and New York City Pages Updated.

11/12/2022 - New York and New York City Pagaes Updated.

11/11/2022 - New Jersey, New York and New York City Pagaes Updated.

11/8/2022 - In the Past 9 Days Has Checked Most State Pages Statutes to Confirm They Reflected the Current Text in That Sates Statutes/Administrative Rules. A Few Will Not be Confirmed Until the First of the Year as They Haven't Updated Their Statutes Since Last Year.

10/28/2022 - Hawaii, New York, New York City and US Virgin Islands Pages Updated. Links Checked on All State Pages and Major Documents and Repaired if Needed.

10/18/2022 - Hawaii and Tennessee State Pages Updated.

10/12/2022 - New York City Page Updated.

10/11/2022 - New York and New York City Pages Updated.

10/10/2022 - Alabama and Hawaii State Pages Updated.

10/8/2022 - Colorado, Connecticut and Hawaii Pages Updated. State Restrictions Document Updated.

9/26/2022 - Massachusetts State Page Updated.

9/17/2022 - DC Page and State Restrictions Document Updated.

9/13/2022 - Hawaii, Louisiana, New York City, Ohio and Utah State Pages Updated. Knife Law 2 and Stand Your Ground/Brandishing Document Updated.

9/6/2022 - Hawaii, Massachusetts, New York and New York City Pages Updated.

9/1/2022 - Hawaii, New Jersey, New York, New York City and Pennsylvania State Pages Updated. . . RV/Car Carry Without a Permit Document Updated.

8/26/2022 - Texas Now Honors Wisconsin.. . Texas and Wisconsin State Pages Updated. Lic. My State Honors and St. Honoring my Lic. Documents Updated.

8/25/2022 - Hawaii State Page Updated.

8/21/2022 - Hawaii, Massachusetts and New York City Pages Updated.

8/12/2022 - Maryland State Page Updated.

8/4/2022 - Maryland and Minnesota State Pages Updated. . . Links Checked on All State Pages and Major Documents and Repaired if Needed.

8/2/2022 - Pennsylvania and USA Pages Updated. . . Site FAQs, RV/Car Carry and State Restrictions Documents Updated.

7/23/2022 - Delaware - Massachusetts and Rhode Island State Pages Updated. State Restrictions Document Updated.

7/17/2022 - Hawaii - Louisiana and Massachusetts State Pages Updated. Permitless Carry Document Updated.

7/11/2022 - Hawaii - Massachusetts and USA Pages Updated.

7/8/2022 - Maryland State Page Updated.

7/6/2022 - Maryland - Massachusetts - New York and New York City Pages Updated.

7/3/2022 – Nevada Now Honors North Carolina – Hawaii - Nevada - North Carolina State Pages Updated. . . Lic. My State Honors and States  Honoring My Lic. Documents Updated.

7/1/2022 - Indiana Now a Permitless Carry State. . . SCOTUS Overturns NY May Issue. . . Washington and Rhode Now Have Magazines Bans. . . Vermont Updated the Wording of Their Magazine Ban Statute. . . Arkansas - California - Connecticut - Georgia - Hawaii - Idaho - Indiana - Maryland - Massachusetts - Montana - Nevada - New Jersey - New York - New York City - Rhode Island - South Dakota - Vermont - Virginia and Washington State Pages Updated. . . Indiana Added to All State Pages Under Map as Permitless Carry State. . . St. Honoring My Lic. - Lic. My State Honors - Non-Resident Permits - RV/Car Carry - Stand Your Ground/Brandishing - FAQs - Age to Carry - Long Guns in Vehicles and State Restrictions Documents Updated.

6/13/2022 - Ohio Now a Permitless Carry State. . . Colorado, New York, New York City, Ohio and Vermont State Pages Updated. . . All State Pages Updated With Ohio Added to Listing Under the States Map. . . Age to Carry, Must Inform Officer, Permitless Carry, Quirks In How States Honor Each Other, US/RV Carry, St. Honoring My Lic., Lic. My State Honors and State Restrictions Documents Updated.

6/2/2022 - Pennsylvania and Tennessee State Pages Updated. RV/Car Carry and Permitless Carry Documents Updated.

5/24/2022 - Colorado, Michigan, Tennessee and West Virginia State Pages Updated. RV/Car Carry and Long Guns in Vehicles Documents Updated.

5/11/2022 - Arizona and Colorado State Pages Updated.

5/4/2022 - Utah State Page Updated.

4/24/2022 - California and Washington State Pages Updated. Tribal Laws Document California Entry Udpated.

4/16/2022 - Per SB 319 Georgia Now Honors All Other States Permit/Licenses.... Georgia State Page Updated. Maps on CA, CT, DC, DE, Guam, HI, IL, MD, MA, MN, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NY, NYC, OR, PR, RI, U.S. VI & WA State Pages Updated. Non-Resident Permits, Lic. My State Honors and States Honoring My Lic. Updated. . . . Georgia SB 319 States: Lawful Weapons Carrier, any person licensed to carry a weapon in any other state," See Page 3 Line 66
HB 218 which everyone is calling the Reciprocity Bill was passed not so much to honor all other permits but to change the wording that the AG May enter into reciprocity agreements TO SHALL enter into agreements with other states to help Georgia Residents. HR 218 goes into effect July 1.

4/13/2022 - Georgia Now a Permitless Carry State. . . Georgia State Page Updated. All State/Possessions and USA Pages have had Georgia Added to the List of Permitless Carry States Under Their Page Map. Lic. My State Honors, States Honoring My Lic., Age to Carry, Long Guns in Vehicles, Permitless Carry States, RV/Car Carry and Quirks in How States Honor Each Other Documents Updated.

4/4/2022 - Nevada and Florida Honor Each Other Again! Colorado, Florida and Nevada State Pages Updated. Lic. My State Honors and States Honoring My Lic Documents Updated.

3/29/2022 - Nevada Has Added Nebraska, South Carolina and Virginia to the List of States it Honors. Nebraska, Nebraska, South Carolina and Virginia State Pages Updated. St. Honoring My Lic., Lic. My State Honors and Non-Resident Permits Documents Updated.

3/22/2022 - Indiana and Rhode Island State Pages Updated. State Restrictions and Permitless Carry Documents Updated.

3/15/2022 - Alabama and Ohio State Pages Updated. Permitless Carry Document Updated.

3/10/2022 - Links have been checked and repaired if needed on all State Pages and Documents on the site. has over 8700 links and we would very much appreciate you reporting any broken links to Thank You.

3/1/2022 - Tennessee State Page and RV/Car Carry Document Updated.

2/10/2022 - Texas State Page Updated. Permitless Carry Document Updated.

2/1/2022  -  Illinois State Page Updated.

1/12/2022 - Alabama, Washington and Wisconsin State Pages Updated. State Restrictions Document Updated.

1/1/2022 - Alabama, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho and Illinois State Pages Updated. State Restrictions, Non-Resident Permits and States Honoring My Lic. Documents Updated. All State Pages and Most Major Documents Links Checked and Repaired if Required.

12/22/2021 - Nebraska Only Honors the Kansas Regular Permit. . . Californis,  Kansas and Nebraska State Pages Updated.

12/16/2021 - Colorado, Missouri, New Mexico, Oregon and Rhode Island State Pages Updated. State Restrictions and Non-Resident Permit Documents Updated.

12/8/2021 - Montana, New Mexico and Puerto Rico Pages Updated. RKBA State Orgs Document Updated.

12/1/2021 - Arkansas, California and USA Pages Updated. . . Forums, Must Inform Officer, State Restrictions and Stand Your Ground/Brandishing Documents Updated.

11/23/2021 - Maine State Page and Shooting Drills Document Updated. We have added a new Document to the Main Page in the left column named. "Must Inform Officer" that replaces the Create a Map Link. This file has been on the site for some time but only accessed through the FAQs Document. It list the states along with their law on Informing Officers immediately upon any official contact.

11/20/2021 – Due to issues with the Create a Map application we have decided to remove that from the site. On the main page there are links to Lic. My State Honors and St. Honoring My Lic. that will give you the same information. Better yet look at the state page you have your Permit/License in or the state you have a non-resident Permit/License from and the map on that page will show you what states honor that Permit/License.  Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause anyone. Steve and Gary.

11/17/2021 - Louisiana, Montana and USA Pages Updated. FAQ Document Updated.

11/14/2021 - New Hampshire, New Mexico and South Carolina State Pages Updated.

11/1/2021 - Guam, Oklahoma, USA and West Virginia Pages Updated. Long Guns In Vehicles, RV/Car Carry and Handgun Drills Documents Updated. On the South Carolina and Vermont Pages All Quoted Statutes Checked for Accuracy Against Their 2021 Edition.

10/15/2021  -  Kentucky and Utah State Pages Updated. . . . The states of AK, American Samoa, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, Guam, HI, ID, IL, IN, KY, LA, MD, MA. MI, MN, MS, MO, NE, NV, NJ, NH, NM, NY, NYC, NC, ND, Northern Mariana Islands, OR, PA, RI, SD, TN, TX, USA, U.S. Virgin Islands, VA, UT, WA, WV, WI and WY Pages. . . . State Restrictions, Long Guns in Vehicles, Non-Resident Permits and RV/Car Carry Documents quoted Statutes checked against latest edition of that states statutes and those pages quoted statutes are up to date. AL, IA, KS, ME, MT, OK, SC, VT pages will be checked when they update their statutes. Some will update their statutes by late fall/winter while a couple others will not be updated until early 2022.

10/10/2021 - Arkansas, Hawaii, North Carolina and Virginia State Pages Updated.

9/28/2021 - California, Kansas, Oklahoma and Oregon State Page Updated. RV/Car Carry Document Updated.

9/23/2021 - Arkansas, Kansas, Illinois and Virginia State Pages Updated.

9/15/2021 - Kansas has made it official. They will honor permits from other states issued to those 18 or older. You must be 21 to carry under Permitless Carry in Kansas. . . Idaho, Kansas, North Dakota and West Virginia State Pages Updated. . . St. Honoring my Lic., Lic. My State Honors and Age to Carry Documents Updated.

9/12/2021 - South Carolina Now Honors DE, IL, IA and MD. . . . Delaware, Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, South Carolina and USA Pages Updatged. . . St. Honoring My Lic and Lic. My State Honors Documents Updated.

9/1/2021 - Texas Now a Permitless Carry State. American Samoa, Arizona, Minnesota, North Dakota, Northern Marianas Islands, Texas, USA, Vermont and Virginia State Pages Updated. Permitless Carry, RV/Car Carry, St. Honoring My Lic. and Lic. My State Honors Documents Updated. Texas Added as Permitless Carry State on Note Under Map on All State Pages.

8-15-2021 - Alabama, Idaho, Kentucky, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Hampshire and South Carolina State Pages Updated. RV/Car Carry Document Updated.

8/1/2021 - Nevada Now Honors the Mississippi Enhanced Permit. . . . North Dakota Now Only Honors Residents Permits From the States It Honors. . . Arkansas, Michigan, Mississippi, Nevada, North Dakota, Texas and West Virginia State Pages Updated. . . Create a Map, RV/Car Carry, Long Guns in Vehicles, Stand Your Ground/Brandishing, State Restrictions, Permitless Carry States, St. Honoring My Lic. and Lic. My State Honors Documents Updated. . . Maps on States That Issue Non-Resident Permits and that North Dakota Honors Updated Showing North Dakota Only Honors Their Resident Permit/License. . . In the Past Week Links Checked on All State Pages and Most Major Documents.

 7/20/2021 - Idaho, Mississippi, Rhode Island and Virginia State Pages Updated.

7/6/2021 - Tennessee and Virginia State Pages Updated.

7/1/2021 - Washington State No Longer Honors Oklahoma. . . . .Nevada Has Added Ohio and South Dakota Back on the List of States They Honor. . . Alabama, American Samoa, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Iowa, Kansas, Northern Mariana Islands, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, USA, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia and Wyoming State Pages Updated. . . . Permitless Carry, Create a Map Notice, St. Honoring My Lic., Lic. My State Honors, RV/Car Carry, State Restrictions and Stand Your Ground/Brandishing Documents Updated. . . . . Iowa, Tennessee and Wyoming Added under the Map on All State Pages as Permitless Carry States.

6/13/2021 – Nevada No Longer Honors Florida, Mississippi, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota and Virginia.   Florida, Mississippi, Nevada, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota and Virginia State Pages Updated.  Create a Map,  Non-Resident Permits,  St. Honoring My Lic. and Lic. My State Honors Documents Updated.

6/11/2021 - Montana State Page Updated. Tribal CCW Laws Document Updated.

6/1/2021 - Arizona, Montana, Nebraska, Tennessee and Virginia State Pages Updated. Tribal Law 1 and RV/Car Carry Documents Updated.

5/25/2021 - Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, South Carolina and USA Pages Updated.

5/15/2021 - Idaho, Montana, New Jersey, Oklahoma and Washington State Pages Updated.

5/5/2021 - Florida, Illinois, Kansas, New York, Utah and USA State Pages Updated. Utah Now a Permitless Carry State. All State Pages Listing of Permitless Carry States under their Map of Who Honors Their Permit Updated with Utah Added. Non-Resident Permits, Create a Map Notice, Permitless Carry States, Stand Your Ground/Brandishing, USRV/Car Carry, Tribal Gun Laws Part 2, States Honoring My Lic., and Lic. My State Honors Document Updated.

4/25/2021 - Idaho, Mississippi and Nebraska State Pages Updated. Non-Resident Permits and State RKBA Orgs Documents Updated.

4/16/2021 - Iowa and West Virginia State Pages Updated. Lic. My State Honors and St. Honoring My Lic. Documents Updated.

4/13/2021 - Colorado, Florida and West Virginia Pages Updated. In the past week all links on all State Pages and Major Documents have been checked and repaired if needed.

4/10/2021 - Iowa, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and Wyoming State Pages Updated. Permitless Carry States Document Updated. Create-a-Map Notice Page, RV/Car Carry and FAQs Updated. . . . We have made a few changes on the formatting of the site. Most you will not notice.

4/1/2021 - Kansas and Ohio State Pages Updated.

3/25/2021 - Connecticut, Hawaii, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont State Pages Updated. St. Honoring My License and Lic. My State Honors Documents Updated.

3/20/2021 – Alabama, Colorado, Georgia, Minnesota, Rhode Island, Virginia, Washington and West Virginia State Pages Updated. State Restrictions Document Updated.

3/10/2021 - Colorado, Iowa, Missouri, Montana, New York, New York City, North Carolina and Virginia State Pages Updated. . . State Restrictions Document Updated.

3/1/2021 - Nebraska and Virginia State Pages Updated.

2/23/2021 - Rhode Island and Vermont State Pages Updated. RV/Car Cary Document Updated.

2/20/2021 - Montana, South Dakota and Utah State Pages Updated. All State Pages Updated with Montana Listed Under Page Map as a Permitless Carry State. Utah Permitless Carry Not Effective Until May 5, 2021 and That Change Will be Added on That Date. St. Honoring My Lic., Lic. My State Honors, Create a Map Notice, Long Guns in Vehicles, Permitless Carry, Stand Your Ground/Brandishing and RV/Car Carry Documents Updated.

2/12/2021 - Pennsylvania and Virginia State Pages Updated.

1/25/2021 - Alabama, Oregon and USA Page Updated. Long Guns In Vehicles Document Updated.

1/15/2021 - California, Connecticut, Illinois, New Hampshire, New York and Virginia State Pages Updated.

1/9/2021 - Arizona, Georgia and Michigan State Pages Updated. . . Permitless Carry States, Handgun Drills and Tribal Gun Laws Part 1 Documents Updated.

1/1/2021 - Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Northern Mariana Islands, New Jersey, Oregon, Rhode Island, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Tennessee, U.S. Virgin Islands, Vermont, Wisconsin and Wyoming State Pages Updated. .....State Restrictions and RV/Car Carry Documents Updated...... In last 10 days all links on all state pages checked....We have gone through every States Page checking every quote of their state laws making sure they reflected the latest edition of that states statutes. We have also added another source for some states Statutes and/or Administrative Code especially those that use Nexis.